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Exercise is Medicine Initiatives


Active Campus Walking Trails

The Centre for Sports and Exercise has designed The Active Campus Walking Trails to provide people an alternative way on campus to become healthier and more active. For the sedentary lifestyle of the staff and students at the University of Hong Kong, getting healthier during their stay at campus isn't as difficult as one may think. Any increase in activity will benefit your health and need not be strenuous to be beneficial. Physical activity equivalent to 150 Calories per day is already associated with health gains.

For those who don't have the time to participate in sports or don't like to visit a fitness center, walking is one of the best and easiest forms of physical activity. Brisk walking is an ideal way to reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. It can also reduce your risk of stroke, diabetes, osteoporosis and obesity. Studies reveal that 30 minutes of moderate exercise every day is beneficial to health. You do not need to do it in one single session, it can also be divided it into three 10-minute sessions if necessary.

Active along the way

There are numerous open spaces along each route which are ideal for doing some basic bodyweight exercises and stretches. These are easy to perform and can improve your wellbeing as well as enhance your walking experience. Sitting all day can cause back pain and muscle tightness. Research shows that bodyweight exercises and stretching can enhance your physical and mental performance. Engaging in resistance training and stretching twice a week can help you become more energized and more efficient. 

How it works

Either download and print our Walking Trails Brochure or click on the online version to view on your smartphone.

Download and print our Active Campus Walking Trails Brochures here:.

Health and Safety Information

Important information: please read before commencing any of the routes

  • For personal security and safety these routes are recommended for use during daily only

  • Always inform someone where you are going and what time you are due back

  • Ensure you are well hydrated and carry a small drink with you

  • Wear approriate footwear you have walked in before

  • Carry a mobile phone if possible

  • Report any concerns you have or may have seen whilst using the routes

For any inquiries, feel free to contact us or come by at the CSE Active Fitness Centre at the Centennial Campus

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