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Exercise is Medicine Initiatives

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Medical Referral Programme

The University Health Services (UHS), the Centre of Development and Resources for Students (CEDARS) and the Centre for Sports and Exercise (CSE) at the University of Hong Kong have taken the lead among local universities in launching an Exercise is Medicine - Medical Referral Programme, where patients in need of more exercise opportunities could be appropriately referred to the professional care and supervision that they need.

Physical Activity as a Vital Sign

Decades of research have shown that exercise is as effective as prescription medication in the management of several chronic diseases. Under the Medical Referral programme, the physical activity level is assessed as a vital sign at every patient visit.

Those visiting the UHS clinic or the CEDARS counselling services are asked a number of simple questions related to the frequency and intensity of their physical activity habits. This provides a snapshot of whether the patient is meeting the current Physical Activity Guidelines of 150 minutes of moderate intensity activity each week.

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Get Referred to CSE for Exercise Prescription

Those who are generally healthy, but present with insufficient physical activity are provided with information about proper exercise habits and opportunities on campus.


For more serious cases the medical doctor may refer patients to exercise specialists at CSE, who are experienced in providing exercise and consultation to various special populations including those with diabetes, cancers, frailty and muscle loss or those with orthopedic problems, which may affect their ability to be active.

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After receiving a Medical Referral by UHS or CEDARS, patients can book an appointment with our Exercise Specialist. The Medical Referral includes a Health & Fitness assessment and Exercise prescription, giving patients hands-on experience on how to start their path to a more active lifestyle. 

Bookings are limited to once per person and. Further continuation through other exercise programmes is optional and the pathway can be discussed with our Exercise Specialist. 

For any inquiries, feel free to contact us at

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