Faculty Health and Fitness Assessment
Welcome to the HKU Faculty Health and Fitness Assessment, an initiative aimed at integrating the principles of Exercise is Medicine (EIM) into our faculty community. Our primary goal is to encourage faculty members to make their health a priority and actively participate in exercise, leading to enhanced overall well-being, reduced stress levels, increased energy and productivity, and ultimately, a harmonious work-life balance.
Contact us to arrange the Health and Fitness Assessments at your department/faculty to start creating a healthy, productive and active team!
Our Testing
Fitness assessments allow staff to understand their health and well being with a range of tests that cover different health and fitness parameters including: blood pressure, body composition, muscular strength, cardiovascular fitness and flexibility. Knowing where you are with these parameters will allow you to further enhance your wellbeing. These can provide further motivation and encouragement to improve health and well being through physical activity.
Department/faculty will need to provide conference room, CSE will provide all staff and equipment for assessment. 2-3 people every 10mins to be assessed (20-25ppl per 1.5hours).
Participating Facutly and Department
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The HKU Faculty Fitness Assessment aims to promote a culture of active engagement and well-being among HKU staff. Let's work together to enhance our collective health and vitality through the Faculty Fitness Assessment program at HKU.