Exercise is Medicine Initiatives
Exercise is Medicine at HKU Residential Halls & Colleges
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the CSE has joined CEDARS in the “Gearing Up in times of COVID-19” campaign to promote the importance of being physically active during these times of the COVID-19 pandemic. To reach out to the students at the residential halls and colleges, CSE is organising a two-part campaign, which includes exercise sessions and fitness assessments.
Exercise Opportunities
The CSE provides Exercise sessions on location or online those residential halls and colleges who are interested to join this initiative. Our exercise sessions can cover any health and fitness related topic, such as sports days, fitness training classes or online yoga sessions. If your hall or college is also interested in having us provide exercise sessions, please contact us by clicking the button below.
Health and Fitness Assesments
Residential Halls and Colleges that are interested in the health and fitness of their student residents can also request a health and fitness assessment on location, which provides a baseline measurement that can be used to monitor the students’ health status and exercise performance, reflecting their hall/college lifestyle.
Fittest Residential Hall or College in HKU
Check out our leaderboard and see how your residential hall or college fares against others in our quest to find the fittest Hall/College of HKU.
Female students
Lap-Chee College
Male students
Lee Hysan Hall
Female students
Wei Lun Hall
Male students
Lee Hysan Hall