Education Resources

Health Experts
Under the Exercise is Medicine initiative the Centre for Sports and Exercise has collaborated with many faculties and departments within HKU as well as outside to provide staff and students with relevant knowledge and information regarding a healthy and active lifestyle.
Feel free to scroll through our database of videos containing information provided by our EIM Health Experts.
May 24, 2020
Ms Joanne Ku & Mr Cliff Chan
How do I prevent injuries after a period of inactivity?
Why is my neck or back always stiff or sore? Are there things that I can do to prevent or treat these myself? Physiotherapists Ms. Joanne Ku & Mr Cliff Chan will discuss with us what are some of the common injuries after a period of inactivity and how do I avoid them?
May 19, 2020
Prof Terry Lum
Am I too old to start exercising?
How important is exercising to the ageing process? Are there things that we can do to minimise the negative impacts of ageing? Prof. Terry Lum, Head of Department of Social Science, will discuss with us the importance of being physically active as we age.
May 18, 2020
Dr Tanja Sobko
How does my food affect my health?
Is it true that we really are what we eat? Can some foods help improve my immune system? Should I be eating less if I am moving less? Dr Tanja SOBKO, Nutritionist from the School of Biological Sciences will discuss with us why our food is just as important as exercise to our health
May 13, 2020
Ms Ellery Wu
How does exercise affect our mental health?
Physical activity is known to reduce signs of depression, anxiety and negative moods as well as increase our self confidence and cognition, Ellery Wu, Clinical Psychologist at CEDARS-CoPE will explain to us how important exercise is to our mental well being.
May 7, 2020
Dr Grace Loy & Dr Olivia Choi
Should we prescribe exercise as a medicine?
We know we should all do more exercise but what are the real health benefits? Dr Loy and Dr Choi Physicians from the University Health Service explain to us why exercise can be a medicine.
October 24, 2017
Prof. Rob Newton
Exercise Is Medicine for Chronic Disease Management: An Australian Perspective.
Exercise is scientifically recognized as a highly effective treatment for increasing the quality and quantity of life for both healthy and diseased populations. Professor Rob Newton, an international expert in the field of exercise medicine will share his experiences, research and clinical work in the application of Exercise as a Medicine for the management of cancer and other chronic inactivity related diseases.